Practical Spiritual Psychology – What is it?

Sallie Norquist, Ph.D. ~ Psychologist in Hoboken

Spiritual Psychology, Spiritual Psychologist HobokenPractical Spiritual Psychology is about listening to and integrating spiritual awareness into our daily lives. It is about awakening to Soul promptings. Spiritual is not “up there”, somewhere separate from our Earthly lives. It is right here and now. It is calling to us to be recognized. It is that in you that yearns for something more.

It is that in you that calls to you to listen to your inner sense of what is right and true for you (rather than living your life according to outer expectations). It Enlivens you, uplifts you, opens you, connects you.

Compassion, joy, humor, and inner satisfaction come easily when you listen to this inner Soul level

It is here with all of us, but for some, it is speaking more loudly right now. It is urging you to listen.

These inner soul promptings demand our attention through:

  • Inner emptiness and depression
  • Addictions
  • Feeling lost; without meaning or purpose in life
  • Feeling deadened, drained, disheartened
  • Feeling compelled to be busy all the time; a constant distraction from the emergence of inner feelings

Practical Spiritual Psychology can help you learn to navigate your everyday life by listening to your inner Soul wisdom.

It provides practical tools and understandings you can use to uplift yourself and experience meaning in your life.

It is helpful for relieving the following symptoms:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Addictions (an attempt to move away from uncomfortable feelings, or to move towards pleasant feelings in an addictive manner)
  • Stress, an inability to relax, chronic activity
  • Lack of contentment and satisfaction
  • Lack of meaning and direction
  • Lack of Love and connection with self and others
  • Low self esteem
  • Poor self- care
  • Not knowing who you are
  • Chronic distraction; not being in your life, with awareness in the present moment

Learning to consciously integrate these inner Soul promptings will:

  • Give your life more of a sense of meaning and purpose
  • Allow you to feel more connected to others, less separate and alone, more able to love
  • Leave you feeling more connected to your True Self
  • Leave you feeling happier, more Enlivened, more excited about life.

Signs that Practical Spiritual Psychology could be right for you:

  • You sense that success in career and home life will not give you the ultimate inner contentment that you are yearning for, but you don’t know what to do about it
  • Your daily life requires you to act or speak in ways that do not feel congruent with who you really are and what really feels true to you inside
  • You sense that there is something more to life, but no one seems to notice or care. Perhaps there is no room for this something more in your life without uprooting yourself and possible others
  • You have lost touch with your true Self, and feel like you are living a lie
  • You see the world differently than many of your family and friends
  • You want to believe in God, or something higher (and perhaps used to), but your religion/church/synagogue doesn’t do it for you
  • Your life feels deadened, and you don’t know what to do about it
  • You live with an inner emptiness; not feeling understood or seen.
  • All of this has lead you to seek happiness in addictive substances or activities- only to have satisfaction of that inner yearning for increasingly shorter periods
  • If you would like to explore this further, check out my blog entries, or email me for additional information. You can also request an appointment for psychotherapy or coaching