Frequently Asked Questions

I have detailed below the questions most people ask. Please reach out if you have an inquiry not addressed below.

Billing/ Insurance

Sessions are generally covered through out-of-network insurance benefits. Insurance companies generally reimburse 60% to 80% of the cost of sessions, after the yearly deductible is met. If you would like, my office manager, Michele, can help guide you through the insurance process and determine your out-of-network reimbursement benefits. She can be reached by leaving a message with your return phone number at 201-659-3060, extension 10. She will assist you in understanding your insurance coverage and coordinating insurance payments.

We have chosen not to be in-network with insurance companies for several reasons. In-network providers must submit detailed paperwork that is time-consuming and often requires the release of confidential client information. Often therapists who are in-network for various insurance companies are recent graduates or are just starting a private practice. The practice of psychotherapy is similar to other professions, like medicine and dentistry, where skills develop and grow through years of treating clients. Most insurance companies reimburse therapists the same amount regardless of the level of training or experience they have. That approach is not fair nor appropriate for therapists with significant levels of experience and training. In-network therapists agree to accept a lower reimbursement rate (40% to 60% of standard/normal rate) in exchange for receiving a large number of patient referrals. As a result, in-network therapists often work long hours and see many clients. Self-care is a necessity for providing optimal therapeutic services, and requires limiting the number of clients seen each week.

We are happy to provide you the service of billing your insurance company directly so that you can be reimbursed for psychotherapy sessions. We also accept credit or debit cards as a method of payment while you are waiting for your insurance reimbursement. Our clients generally pay at the time of service by check, cash or credit card. We then bill your insurance company directly on your behalf for you to be reimbursed, based on your out-of-network coverage benefits.

Meetings/ Cancellations

Individual sessions are 45 minutes in duration.  I charge $215 per session, reimbursable through your out of network coverage. I generally raise my rates $5 at the beginning of the year.  Several slots are available at sliding scale fees.

When we schedule an appointment, that time is reserved for you. If you find you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, I require a minimum of 24 hours notice. With enough notice, I am able to offer the cancelled appointment to any clients who are waiting for an opening. Your full appointment fee will be charged for sessions missed without 24 hours’ notice. Please be aware that most insurance companies do not reimburse for missed sessions. Please let me know as soon as you become aware that you cannot keep your scheduled appointment.


As a psychotherapy client, you have privileged communication. This means that your relationship with me as my client, all information disclosed in our sessions, and the written records of those sessions are confidential and may not be revealed to anyone without your written permission, except where law requires disclosure.

Disclosure is required when there is a reasonable suspicion of child, dependent or elder abuse or neglect or when a client presents a danger to self or others.

Disclosure may be required in a legal proceeding. If you place your mental status at issue in litigation that you initiate, the defendant may have the right to obtain your psychotherapy records and/or my testimony.

In couple or relationship therapy, or when different family members are seen individually, confidentiality and privilege do not apply between the couple or among family members. I will use my clinical judgment when revealing such information.

If there is an emergency during our work together or after termination in which I become concerned about your personal safety, the possibility of you injuring someone else, or about you receiving psychiatric care, I will do whatever I can within the limits of the law to prevent you from injuring yourself or another, and to ensure that you receive appropriate medical care. For this purpose I may contact the person whose name you have provided as a contact person.

 E-mail, voice mail, and fax communication can be easily accessed by unauthorized people, compromising the privacy and confidentiality of such communication. Please notify me at the beginning of treatment if you would like to avoid or limit in any way the use of any or all of these communication devices. Please do not contact me via e-mail or fax or text for emergencies.

Health Insurance and Confidentiality of Records:

Your health insurance carrier may require disclosure of confidential information in order to process claims. Only the minimum necessary information will be communicated to your insurance carrier, including diagnosis, the date and length of our appointments, and what services were provided. Often the billing statement and your company’s claim form are sufficient. Sometimes treatment summaries or progress toward goals are also required. Unless explicitly authorized by you, Psychotherapy Notes will not be disclosed to your insurance carrier. While insurance companies claim to keep this information confidential, I have no control over the information once it leaves my office. Please be aware that submitting a mental health invoice for reimbursement carries some risk to confidentiality, privacy, or future eligibility to obtain health or life insurance.

Contacting me Between Sessions

I cannot always be reached by phone immediately. I do not take calls when I am in session with a client. Generally, messages will be picked up and calls returned daily except weekends and holidays. In a dire emergency, if you cannot reach me, call 911, or go the nearest emergency room and ask for the psychiatrist, psychiatric resident or house officer on call.

I have found, in most cases, that between session telephone counseling is ineffective. If you need more than five minutes to resolve an issue, it is better to make an appointment.


Individual sessions are 45 minutes in duration.  I charge $215 per session, reimbursable through your out-of-network coverage. I generally raise my rates $5 at the beginning of the year.  Several slots are available at sliding scale fees.


Basic Information Form

Agreement for Services

Notice of Privacy Practices