Sallie Norquist

Sallie Norquist, Ph.D.

Hoboken, New Jersey

I am a NJ licensed psychologist (NJ #2371) with almost 30 years of clinical experience. I graduated from  the clinical psychology doctoral program at Michigan State University. I am founder and director of Chaitanya Counseling Services in Hoboken, NJ (  I created a self-help blog, Growing through Parenting, to share what I learned during my own parenting journey, as well as my training and experience working as a psychologist for over 30 years. For over 20 years, I have written an advice column called “Enlivening Ourselves” for The Hudson Reporter, which publishes 9 local weekly newspapers.

Typical symptoms and issue that I treat include:

  • Anxiety, stress, and panic
  • Depression, low self-esteem
  • Grief and loss
  • Relationship issues
  • Trauma, PTSD, abuse
  • Co-dependency, ACOA
  • Health concerns, chronic illness
  • Interpersonal difficulties, social skills development
  • Search for meaning/direction/purpose
  • Personal and spiritual growth
  • Life transitions and adjustments
  • Communication problems
  • Identity development
  • Anger management
  • Parenting
  • Rebuilding one’s life
    after addiction

Please send me an email if you would like me to contact you using the Contact Form below.

My Philosophy

I view health as something achieved through active involvement on the part of each individual in acknowledging, accepting and taking responsibility for their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs.  My experience after almost 30 years as a psychologist is that there is an inner, organic growth process that, once accessed, can lead each individual in their own healing journey. A nonjudgmental, accepting, mindful attitude is key to this process.  My focus is on assisting clients in accessing and listening to the wisdom of this emerging inner growth process. Body awareness is an essential aspect of this healing journey. The goal is a greater ability to navigate life’s difficulties (including fear, anxiety, depression and trauma), a deeper, more enlivened life, the capacity for richer, more meaningful relationships with self and others, and the ability to access and to trust the flow of one’s own life journey.

I utilize an eclectic treatment approach (body-oriented, cognitive behavioral, psychodynamic, attachment-focused, mindfulness and spiritually-focused) employing the various speciality techniques I have learned based on each client’s individual situation. My style is compassionate, collaborative, creative, practical, and empowering.

My Training

I work with adults of all ages including young adults, college students, professionals, first-time mothers, adults at various crossroads in life, and senior citizens. I have extensive training in somatic (body-oriented) psychotherapy, including the following modalities:

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR has more published research to support it than any other method used to treat trauma (see & It can also be used to deal with a troubling aspect of life or to overcome a performance problem. Any experience that feels overwhelming can be difficult for our brains to fully process.  We all encounter many experiences like this: the small traumas in life.  Trauma seems to freeze the integrative process in the brain. As a result, traumatic memories become locked in their own memory networks, along with the images, sensations, emotions and beliefs associated with the experience. EMDR uses bilateral stimulation to accelerate the clearing of these frozen emotional, cognitive and physical blockages. I have completed Levels 1, 2 and 3 of EMDR training and integrate it into the therapeutic process.

Internal Family Systems (IFS)

IFS is an innovative and intuitive model of psychotherapy developed by the founder of the Center for Self Leadership, Dick Schwartz, PhD, ( It offers an empowering, non-pathologizing, collaborative, systems-thinking, and spiritual approach to therapy. The Center for Self Leadership describes the IFS Model as one that “helps to release the inherent compassion, curiosity and creativity that lie beneath the protective parts of people so as to bring opening-hearted healing to them and to their relationships with others. In that process, they are able to unload extreme beliefs, emotions and sensations that burden their lives, allowing their own Self-led transformation.”

Focusing Oriented Therapy (FOT)

I completed a two-year training program to become a Certified Focusing Oriented Psychotherapist, and in addition have had extensive Focusing Oriented Trauma Resolution (FOTR) training with Shirley Turcotte, a renowned Canadian trauma treatment authority. Focusing Oriented Therapy is an experiential, client-centered, bodily felt-sense approach to therapy. Eugene Gendlin, PhD, defines Focusing as a means to providing “direct access to bodily knowing.” It is a method for entering that place where the therapeutic change process occurs, and as such, is an extremely powerful agent for effecting deep change ( It is especially useful for trauma, depression, anxiety, stuck places, and when you feel estranged from yourself, your body, or others. Often unique inner shifts occur, along with the emergence of new solutions for existing issues, including a physical change in the way the issue lives in the body.

Somatic Experiencing (SE)

I am a certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP). Somatic Experiencing is a body- oriented approach for treating trauma that was developed by Dr. Peter Levine ( It is a gentle process that allows for the discharge of unresolved trauma and helps to restore self-regulation and a sense of aliveness and wholeness. This technique is also helpful for managing stress, anxiety, anger and panic. In addition, I have had Touch Skills Training for Trauma Therapists (see with Kathy L. Kain, and Somatic Attachment Training with Diane Poole Heller, PhD.

Life Coaching

I completed a year-long training in Life Coaching with The Institute for Life Coach Training. The  life coaching relationship is a unique one.  It is based on supporting and encouraging you as you design and create your ideal life. Coaching bridges the gap between where you are, and where you want to be, helping you to define what you want, and to stay focused on where you are going. Unlike psychotherapy, which focuses on emotional healing, life coaching is a relationship with the sole intent of supporting you as you focus on enhancing your life on all levels.

Life Force Yoga Practitioner (LFYP)

As a certified Life Force Yoga Practitioner, I have received training in various yogic techniques that are helpful in managing depression and anxiety (see Amy Weintraub This includes asana, pranayama, mudra and meditation. Additionally, I  received training in Ayurvedic nutrition through the New York Open Center, and iRest (Integrative Restoration), with Richard Miller, PhD.  Integrative Restoration is an adaptation of an ancient yogic technique called Yoga Nidra. It is ideal for inducing deep body-mind relaxation and is a helpful technique for reducing stress, insomnia and anxiety (